With the rise in the use of SaaS applications and the mass adoption of remote work policies, traditional network assessments no longer provide a complete picture of a company’s technology environment. Today’s IT teams must also dive deeper into the application layer and user behavior.
The SaaS cyber assessment in SaaS Alerts enables you to properly assess the following:
SaaS Alerts allows you to add users into the platform at the beginning of a billing cycle and let the platform collect data throughout the month. After a couple of weeks, you’re able to run a SaaS cyber assessment for your prospective clients to show them what’s actually happening in their environment. They’re often unaware that files have been shared outside their organization or credentials have been potentially compromised.
According to one MSP partner, Nik Margulski with XTECHS, when he shows prospective clients the SaaS assessment, they respond with a simple, “How much is this?” It sells itself. And if it doesn’t? Simply remove the users from the SaaS Alerts platform before the next billing cycle and you won’t be charged.
WOM Technology Group is a leading MSP based in Hobe Sound, Florida. They’re also a SaaS Alerts partner.
For any potential new client, WOM performs a SaaS security assessment by connecting the prospect’s environment to SaaS Alerts. Once SaaS Alerts starts pulling login data, gaps in the organization’s environment quickly become obvious.
If a company has 20 different end users in 20 different geolocations, for example, they can clearly see — within one tool — the security risk of that distributed workforce. Where was that 21st login coming from? And the 22nd? And the 30th?
After the security assessment, WOM’s conversations with prospects hammer home the value of what they’ve seen. And this leads to winning more sales. Closing percentages at WOM went from 15% to 28% after implementing SaaS Alerts.
In addition to winning more business, SaaS security risk assessments can be used during quarterly business reviews. The reports not only provide a good overview of the client’s SaaS platforms, but it shows how you, the MSP, were able to detect and resolve compromises before they became a bigger problem.
In order to conduct a SaaS cyber assessment, the SaaS application administrator credentials (for example Microsoft 365 username and password) will be required. However, these credentials are not stored or cached in the SaaS Alerts system and if you’re working with an MSP, they do not see credentials in prospecting engagements. The MSP will collect the findings of the assessment for presentation purposes. For ongoing monthly recurring engagements, it is commonplace for an MSP to possess their customers’ SaaS application credentials.
If you are an end user or customer working with an MSP and would like to validate if the MSP you’re working with is a registered SaaS Alerts partner, please send an email with the subject line: “Validation Request” to sales@saasalerts.com. Please provide the name of the MSP in question and a response will be provided within 24 hours.