Selling SaaS Alerts: 3 Pricing Strategies and 3 Tips to Communicate Its Value


By now you already know the importance of SaaS security and monitoring tools. They help you cover your clients’ SaaS by monitoring end-user behavior and shutting down suspicious activity.  

But these tools aren’t very useful if your clients don’t see the value and don’t want you to integrate them. To get them onboard, you need to know how to sell these services to your clients.

Learning how to package and communicate the value of SaaS security tools is your ticket to better security for your clients — and more MRR for you. 

And more MRR means less stress, a more sustainable business and more vacations. Everybody wins!  

Here are a few ideas for how to get your clients excited about using SaaS Alerts to better secure their cybersecurity environment.


Connect the service with your clients’ goals

If you can connect the dots between better cybersecurity and your client’s professional goals, paying a little extra for a SaaS monitoring tool will be an easy business decision. 

Say you work with an accounting firm that handles highly sensitive financial information. If their highest priority is avoiding a data breach, simply explain how SaaS Alerts’ capabilities (like automatically shutting down an account after a suspicious login) will help them achieve that goal. 

In this scenario, SaaS Alerts isn’t just another line item on a bill. It’s protection against reputational harm, financial damage and loss of customers.


Use tabletop exercises

Sometimes clients can be a little too optimistic. They want to believe in the best-case scenario (aka no hacks). But you need to show them the worst-case scenario — and how a tool like SaaS Alerts can prevent that from happening.

Conducting regular tabletop exercises with your clients is a great way to illustrate what could go wrong without strong monitoring and remediation tools like SaaS Alerts. And diving into those scary scenarios is a great jumping-off point for a sales conversation. 


Share data on previous breaches with clients

The quickest way to get a client to pay for additional security services is to show them all their close calls. 

Pull a report of how many suspicious logins occurred over the past month or quarter. Remind them of that time someone in Bulgaria hacked the CFO’s Microsoft account. Pull up those old phishing emails that the entire staff received — you know, the ones four people actually responded to. 

All that evidence will inspire your client to pay for a solution that can more efficiently prevent these breaches from happening. 


Now you might be wondering how to price SaaS Alerts at your business …

So you’ve crossed the most important bridge: getting your clients to understand the importance of a platform like SaaS Alerts. They’re ready to pull the trigger. 

But how do you price the service? How do you make sure the offer is appealing enough for clients to buy in — but also strategically priced for you to earn some extra MRR?

We’ve got a couple of ideas there too …


Sell SaaS Alerts as an add-on

This might be the simplest pricing strategy. Just add SaaS Alerts as a new line item to their current monthly bill. 

Instead of asking folks to opt in, make it mandatory. If clients decline to pay for the additional SaaS security, they must sign a waiver absolving you of all liability if something goes wrong.

To make the sale, you can lean on all the great value they’ll receive, like more robust reporting, real-time monitoring of end-user behavior and automated remediation capabilities. All that extra protection for a small fee each month (say, $1 to $9 per user) will be a no-brainer for security-conscious clients.

You can also take this pricing strategy to the next level by charging extra for each application SaaS Alerts monitors. This will drive even more MRR.


Bundle it up

No single cybersecurity platform or tool is a catch-all solution. An anti-phishing product doesn’t protect against all malware, for example. An anti-malware tool won’t block all phishing emails. 

Chances are, your client needs to buy a few different tools anyway. So why not package them with SaaS Alerts to offer everything under one umbrella (and bill)?

You could bundle SaaS Alerts with other cybersecurity tools, like password managers, DNS filters and identity access management (IAM) software.

These bundles could run between $20 and $40 per user per month, depending on what you include. 

Not only does this option boost your MRR — it also ensures your clients have extra layers of cybersecurity protection. (Win-win!)


Offer an all-inclusive option

Everyone likes an all-inclusive resort. You pay one fee and get a sweet hotel room, endless food and drinks, beach access, entertainment and activities. 

In MSP land, there’s an all-inclusive option too. No, this doesn’t mean you need to learn how to make a margarita. You just offer top-tier SaaS monitoring and cybersecurity — with SaaS Alerts — as part of your core managed service package. 

One bill every month. Everything included. Easy.


If you want to see for yourself how SaaS Alerts can help you increase your MRR, offer better protection to clients and enjoy major time savings, sign up for a free demo

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