3 Ways MSPs Can Use the Changing Security Landscape to Create Monthly Recurring Revenue
In the world of managed services, monthly recurring revenue (MRR) is the bread and butter of any suc…
It wasn’t too long ago that multi-factor authentication (MFA) was considered the Holy Grail of cyber…
Cyber attacks are on the rise in 2022, and, no one, it seems, is safe. Big enterprises, small busine…
This week, SaaS Alerts has released a new account management functionality within its SaaS security …
The COVID-19 pandemic threw the workforce into an imbalance between supply of workers and employer d…
“Win on the transition” is a term I heard for the first time several years ago. I have written about…
In May, the Whitehouse issued an Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity which laid …
When faced with the need to secure their customers’ SaaS Applications, consistent feedback heard fro…
We live in a world where a vast majority of a company’s sensitive data resides in Software as a Serv…
SAAS APP SECURITY = BIG MONEY-MAKER FOR MANAGED SERVICE PROVIDERS (MSPs) Have you seen the recent growth of funding into the SaaS Application Monitoring and Security space? Has it made you wonder how you can expand your services and grow your business? A Recent article by Joe Panettieri of ChannelE2E and MSSP Alert provided a […]